30 Days of Heart Health Activities to Help You Thrive!

Couple smiles walking along a wooden footbridge while out on a nature hike.

Here at Colonial Penn, we see firsthand the impact cardiovascular diseases have on individuals and communities. That’s why we’re proud to sponsor the 30 Days of Heart initiative with the American Heart Association Pennsylvania chapter.

In celebration of the 30 Days of Heart, we’re sharing the American Heart Association’s 30 simple yet effective tips and strategies to help you take control of your heart health. By incorporating the following activities and lifestyle choices into your daily life, you’ll be able to gain valuable insight into your heart health journey.

1. Commit to a Heart-Healthier You!

Reflect where you are in your heart health journey and where you want to be. Jot down all the reasons you want to take steps to improve your health. Invite friends and family to join you!

2. Hydrate Yourself

Harvard Health recommends healthy men drink about 15.5 cups of water and women drink about 11.5 cups daily.

3. Break Up With Salt

Sodium pulls water into your blood vessels which slows blood flow. Avoid foods with high salt, and instead experiment with spices, herbs and citrus to enhance the natural flavor of your food.

4. Get Enough Sleep
Avoid caffeine after 4pm. Ditch alcohol and snacks in the evening. Take a walk to burn energy and turn off bright screens. Do whatever it takes to get enough sleep.

5. Eat Fresh Fruits and Veggies

Eating FRESH fruits and veggies (that aren’t breaded, battered, fried or canned) will help you make the most of the vitamins, minerals and fiber they offer.

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6. Stand Up Every Hour

Work a desk job or find yourself being sedentary most days? Sitting for long periods can contribute to obesity and heart disease. Set an hourly reminder to stand up and stretch your legs.

7. Learn About Wellbeing

Many people don’t have healthy habits simply because they were never taught! From podcasts and books to newsletters and social media, fuel your brain with knowledge that will help you live a healthier life.

8. Say No to Sugary Drinks

Most Americans consume 17 teaspoons of added sugars per day—triple the daily limit for women and double for men. Drinks are a top source of added sugars, so give up that sweet drink and opt for water instead!

9. Keep it Positive
Negative emotions are linked to heart disease, so take deep breaths when your blood pressure starts rising. Step away and let go of frustrations. A simple shift in perspective can make all the difference.

10. Try a New Fruit or Veggie

Fruits and veggies are at their best when they’re in season and sourced locally, so visit your local farmers market and try something new.

11. Take a 15-Minute Walk

At the office all day? Take a walk around the building. Going to the store? Park a little further away and keep moving for 15 minutes.

12. Call a Time Out
Feel frustration, stress or anxiety coming on? When your heart rate rises, call a time out. Alleviate stress by taking a few deep breaths, going on a walk, listening to music or meditating.

13. Go Meatless

Dietary cholesterol is found in animal products like meat, eggs and dairy. Help lower your cholesterol by practicing meatless days and loading up on whole grains, beans, fruits and veggies.

14. Reflect and Review

As you make heart-healthy changes, be sure to check in with yourself and reflect on your progress. Be proud of what you’ve achieved and renew your commitment to your goals!

15. Check Your Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is the single most significant risk factor for heart disease. Take your blood pressure at the nearest pharmacy or at home and jot down your numbers. Talk to your doctor about your readings, especially if they’re too high.

16. Practice Gratitude
At the end of the day, write down three things you’re thankful for. Practicing gratitude can improve sleep, mood and immunity, and can decrease depression, anxiety, chronic pain and disease.

17. Add Color to a Favorite Recipe

Spoil yourself by eating your all-time favorite dish—but make it healthier by incorporating colorful fruits or veggies that weren’t there before.

18. Take a 15-Minute Meditation Break

Studies show meditation may help to lower high blood pressure. Sit quietly and focus on your breath. When you notice your mind start to wander, bring your focus back to your breathing.

19. Watch Your Portions

Are your eyes sometimes bigger than your stomach? Around 70% of U.S. adults are overweight. Today, eat what you need and nothing more.

20. Go Outside for an Hour

Explore somewhere new, work in the yard or go for a hike. Let the therapy of nature refocus your mind and body.

21. Schedule Your Check-ups

Go to the doctor every year for an annual exam, and don’t forget to visit the dentist every six months to benefit your heart health!

22. Say No to Added Sugar

Added sugars are empty calories with zero nutrients that can increase your risk of heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Pay attention to food labels and look for “Added Sugars” under “Total Sugars.” 

23. Go on a Date Night…With Yourself!

Call the sitter, turn off the screens and do what brings you joy. Start an art project. Listen to music. Visit your favorite spot.

24. Incorporate Fruits or Veggies Every Meal

To get the recommended servings every day, add colorful fruits and vegetables to each meal. Check out food blogs and cookbooks for delicious ways to enjoy them.

25. Move More Mindfully

Practice mindful movement by bringing awareness to your movement and focusing on your breath and the way your body feels as it moves. When you go on walks, leave the headphones at home and simply be with your body.

26. Strive for 100% Homemade Eats

Avoid things that come in carryout containers, boxes, wrappers, bags or cans. Knowing every ingredient that goes into your body makes it easier to reduce sodium, sugar and other ingredients that are hard on the heart. 

27. Get the Blood Flowing

Spend half an hour on moderate-intensity cardio to get your blood pumping. Break it into smaller minute segments if needed. Take the stairs. Do jumping jacks. Go for a brisk walk. Hit the elliptical.

28. Consider Dietary Supplements

Talk to your doctor about dietary supplements that may be taken in addition to a healthy eating pattern.

29. Start a Heart Journal

Log your blood pressure weekly or monthly. Track water and calorie consumption, minutes exercised, steps taken, hours slept, weight, and anything that can show how today fits into your lifelong heart journey.

30. Become a Heart Advocate

Learn hands-only CPR so you can help someone if they experience sudden cardiac arrest. And as you navigate your heart health journey, find ways to share what you’ve learned with your friends and loved ones.

Want more? Check out our blog, Holiday Heart Syndrome: The Common Ailment You’ve Never Heard of

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